Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1501-1577
He was an Italian physician, botanist, and naturalist, who worked as Bernardo Clesio's personal physician in Trento; he was court physician for the Habsburgs from 1555 to 1571.
- 223265407146
- LC name
- Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1501-1577
- HMML name
- Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1501-1577
- Library of Congress
- Matthiole, P. André
- Matthiole, Pierre André
- Matthioli, Petr Ondr̆ej
- Matthioli, Pietro And.
- Matthiolus, Petrus Andreas
- Matthiolus, Pietro Andrea
- Mattioli, P. A.
- Mattioli, Pierandrea
- Mattioli, Pietro Andrea
- Mattiolo, Pietro Andrea
Personal information
- Birth date
- 1501
- Death date
- 1577
- Centuries
- 16th century CE
- Gender
- Males
- Place born
- Place died
- Place residence
- Associated countries
- Occupations
- Fields of activity
- Languages
General notes
- Description
- "Medico. Nato a Siena nel 1501 e morto a Trento nel 1577. Esercitò la propria professione a Siena, a Roma e a Trento dove divenne medico personale di Bernardo Clesio. Dal 1555 al 1571 fu medico di corte al servizio degli Asburgo. Visse nella valle di Non dove approfondì gli studi di botanica e farmacologia."
- Citations
- "Mattioli, Pierandrea," CERL Thesaurus, accessed August 9, 2021,
Preferred citation
"Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1501-1577." HMML Authority File. Hill Museum & Manuscript Library. Last modified August 09, 2021.
Change notes
- Date added
- 2021-08-09
- Last edited
- 2021-08-09