Sinān al-Muḥashshī, Yūsuf ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn, 1488-1578
- 623338805723
- LC name
- Sinān al-Muḥashshī, Yūsuf ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn, 1488-1578
- HMML name
- Sinān al-Muḥashshī, Yūsuf ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn, 1488-1578
- HMML native script
- سنان المحشي، يوسف بن حسام الدين
- Library of Congress
- Amāsī, Yūsuf ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn
- Mawlá Sinān, Sinān al-Dīn
- Muhaşşî
- Rūmī, Yūsuf ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn
- Sinan Efendi
- Sinâneddin Yusuf bin Hüsameddin bin İlyas
- الأماسي، يوسف بن حسام الدين
- الحنفي، يوسف بن حسام الدين
- الرومي، يوسف بن حسام الدين
- المولى سنان، سنان الدين
Personal information
- Birth date
- 1488
- Death date
- 1578-04-20
- Centuries
- 16th century CE
- Gender
- Males
- Place born
- Place died
- Place residence
- Associated countries
- Occupations
- Ranks
- Kadı
- Fields of activity
- Languages
General notes
- Description
- Died 986/1578; born in Sonusa in Amasya (Uluköy) in 893/1488; Sinâneddin Yusuf bin Hüsameddin bin İlyas; nicknamed Muhaşşî; educated in Istanbul and worked as a professor in some madrasas there and in Edirne; inspector in Baghdad; judge of Aleppo (1539-40), then Damascus (1544), Edirne (1545), and Istanbul (1547); died in Istanbul on 12 Safar 986 (20 April 1578)
- Citations
- Eyyüp Said Kaya, "Sinan Efendi," İslâm Ansiklopedisi, Türkiye Diyanet Vakfi, accessed March 31, 2022,
- Description
- يوسف بن حسام الدين بن إلياس الأماسي، الرومي، الحنفي، الشهير بسنان المحشي، وبالمولى سنان، سنان الدين=Yūsuf ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn ibn Ilyās al-Amāsī, al-Rūmī, al-Ḥanafī, al-shahīr bi-Sinān al-Muḥashshī, wa-bi-al-Mawlá Sinān, Sinān al-Dīn
- Citations
- ʻUmar Kaḥḥālah, Muʻjam al-muʼallifīn: tarājim muṣannifī al-kutub al-ʻArabīyah (Beirut: Muʼassasat al-Risālah, 1993), IV:152-153.
- Citations
- 42415, Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, accessed March 31, 2022,
Preferred citation
"Sinān al-Muḥashshī, Yūsuf ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn, 1488-1578." HMML Authority File. Hill Museum & Manuscript Library. Last modified January 25, 2023.
Change notes
- Date added
- 2022-03-31
- Last edited
- 2023-01-25